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Villa Has


The Has Villa is located in the area with the same name, Has, Albania. It is a simple geometric shape building organised as a 2 storey house with an atrium over the entrance of the house. The house is a detached building and it is almost isolated from the rest of the residential area. The floors are divided so that the day area is positioned on the lower level while the sleeping quarters are located on the second level.
The windows are big to allow plenty of natural sunlight inside the interior. Some of the windows are also used as doors to allow people to go inside and outside the house freely. The outdoor space is landscaped and treated as a garden with vast amounts of greenery.


Vila Has ndodhet ne vendin me te njejtin emer, ne Has. Ky eshte nje objekt me nje forme te thjeshte gjeometrike. Vila perbehet nga 2 kate dhe nje atrium ne pjesen e hyrjes. Objekti eshte i vecuar nga pjesa tjeter e zones se banimit. Katet jane ndare sipas funksionit ku ne katin perdhe ndodhet zona e dites ndersa ne katin e siperm jane pozicionuar dhomat e gjumit.
Dritaret jane te medha dhe lejojne futjen e drites ne brendesi te shtepise. Disa prej dritareve funksionojne dhe si dyer dhe krijojne lidhjen midis hapesirave te brendshme dhe te jashtme. Pjesa e jashtme eshte trajtuar si oborr me siperfaqe te medha te gjelberta.



‘Babë Dudë Karbunara’ is a school located in Berat, next to Boulevard ‘Republika’. The orientation of the main facade is towards the boulevard.

The conceptual and functional essence of this building lies in the integration of outdoor urban spaces with the school. Thus, the layout allows indipendent entrances to the gym, auditorium and library for the community to use in the afternoons. Between the boulevard and the school entrance is the inner courtyard, which is accessed from the street.

On the ground floor, are located the administrative premises of the school such as the offices of the directorate, the secretariat, a teachers’ lab and a meeting room, the health offices, as well as secondary facilities such as archives. Classes and laboratories have been distributed on the upper floors, so that they are less affected by street noise. On the classroom floors it is possible to create small semi-open spaces using the terraces of the following floors. These spaces serve as buffer zones where students can spend their free time between lessons.


Gjimanzi Babë Dudë Karbunara ndodhet në Berat, në krah të Bulevardit ‘Republika’. Orientimi i fasadës kryesore është drejt bulevardit.

Thelbi konceptual dhe funksional i kësaj shkollë qëndron në integrimin e hapësirave të jashtme urbane me ato shkollore. Për këtë arsye, planimetria është zhvilluar e tillë që të lejojë hyrje të veçantë për hapësirat e palestrës, auditorit dhe bibliotekës për komunitetin që të mund t’i përdorë gjatë pasditeve. Midis bulevardit dhe hyrjes së shkollës ndodhet oborri i brendshëm, i cili akesohet nga rruga.

Në katin përdhe, janë pozicionuar hapësirat administrative të shkollës si zyrat e drejtorisë, sekretarisë, një sallë mësuesish dhe një sallë mbledhjeje, zyrat e shëndetit, si edhe ambjente dytësore si arkiva. Në katet e mësiperme është bërë shpërndarja e klasave dhe laboratorëve, që të jenë më pak të ndikuara nga zhurmat e rrugës. Në katet e klasave është krijuar mundësia për të krijuar hapësira të vogla gjysëm të hapura duke shfrytëzuar tarracat e kateve të mëposhtëm. Këto hapësira shërbejnë si zona buffer ku nxënësit mund të kalojnë kohën e lirë ndërmjet orëve të mësimit.

Business Incubator

This business incubator hosts two main functions within itself. The east side of the building is a warehouse while the west side houses the offices into a 3 storey building.

The particular shape of the offices has been generated through a modularity concept based on the present and future uses of the building. Flexibility of spaces has been a major concern in the design process. All areas of the building allow different functions to be accommodated within different units.

The structural frame follows the same modularity logic which is in tern reflected in the main facade through a grid concept of masses and voids. This concept is also perceived in the floor plans, where the ratio between internal and external spaces is altered through the facade grid. This creates micro situations of various usages.

The total area amounts to 9075 m2. The total built area is 4306 m2. The building has a East-West orientation  and is positioned in the middle of the enclosed site thus allowing for an ample parking space for small vehicles on the western side and parking for bigger trucks on the eastern side.

Patos Cultural Center and Public Spaces


The regeneration of the spaces of the Patos Cultural Center involves a project extending beyond the walls of the building. The project has studied the Cultural Center itself and the public spaces surrounding it, including the park behind it.
During the preliminary urban analysis carried out in the city of Patos, a longitudinal extension and a lack of public spaces are noted. The landmarks of the city of interest in Patos highlight the potential to create public space in the area where the cultural center and the old circus are located. This area extends along the main promenade and carries historical, social, cultural and architectural value to the city of Patos.
In the solution of the project of the area is proposed a public space divided into three areas, the semi-urban one closely connected with the cultural center and the main promenade. Beyond it is a quiet enclosure where a dense green public park is cured and then, in a more secluded area, a playground.
The space is divided by walkways of various hierarchies that allow for flexibility in routes and create urban pockets, small squares and green spots in the area under consideration.
Special attention has been paid to the building and the functions that make it a social center. A strong part of the concept is the interconnection with the surrounding public space, which is also shown in the many cracks and penetrations that occur to the building.
The descending terrain is visible in the distribution of the building’s functions. The front porch along the promenade includes the library which descends one level internally and connects to the urban pocket created behind the building. The other side of the front includes multifunctional halls, while the oil museum restores the character and history of the oil city of Patos. On the upper floors there are two auditoriums where one is large and can function as a theater or cinema. Downstairs are the existing functions, the children’s garden and the retirees’ club that benefit from individual access to the urban pockets being created. The building connects with the itineraries and squares to the old circus turned into an open green auditorium.
The concept of regeneration of this space intertwines harmoniously and inseparably with the social functions of the Cultural Center.


Rigjenerimi i hapesirave te Qendres Kulturore ne Patos perfshin nje projekt te shtrire pertej mureve te godines. Ne kete projekt eshte studiuar QENDRA KULTURORE ne vetvete dhe HAPESIRAT PUBLIKE perreth saj, duke perfshire dhe parkun qe ndodhet pas.

Gjate analizes urbane preliminare te kryer ne qytetin e Patosit vihet re nje shtrirje gjatesore dhe nje mungese e hapesirave publike. Piketimi i poleve te interesit te qytetit te Patosit nxjerr ne pah nje potencial per te krijuar nje hapesire publike ne zonen ku ndodhet qendra kuturore dhe cirku i vjeter i qytetit. Kjo zone shtrihet pergjate shetitores kryesore dhe mbart vlera historike, sociale, kulturore dhe arkitektonike per qytetin e Patosit.

Ne zgjidhjen e projektit te zones eshte propozuar nje hapesire publike e ndare ne tre fasha, ajo semi urbane e lidhur ngushte me qendren kulturore dhe shetitoren kryesore. Pertej saj ndodhet fasha e qete ku eshte kuruar nje park publik me gjelberim te dendur dhe me pas, ne nje zone me te izoluar ndodhet terreni sportiv.

Hapesira eshte ndare me shetitore te hierarkive te ndryshme qe lejojne fleksibiletet ne itinerare dhe krijojne xhepa urbane, sheshe te vegjel dhe kende te gjelberta ne zonen e shqyrtuar.

Nje vemendje e vecante i eshte kushtuar godines dhe funksioneve qe e kthejne ate ne nje qender sociale. Pjese e forte e konceptit eshte nderlidhja me hapesiren publike perreth, gje qe tregohet dhe ne carjet dhe penetrimet e shumta qe i behen nderteses.

Terreni ne zbritje eshte i dukshem ne shperndarjen e funksioneve te godines. Pjesa ballore pergjate shetitores perfshin biblioteken e cila zbret me shkalle te brendshme nje nivel dhe lidhet me xhepin urban te krijuar prapa godines. Krahu tjeter i pjeses ballore perfshin salla multifunksionale ndersa prapa eshte pozicionuar muzeu i naftes qe risjell karakterin dhe historine e naftes ne qytetin e Patosit. Ne katet e mesiperme ndodhen dy auditore ku njeri eshte i madh dhe mund te funksionoje si teater ose kinema. Ndersa ne katet e poshtme jane pozicionuar funksionet ekzistuese, kopeshti i femijeve dhe klubi i pensionisteve qe perfitojne nga aksese individuale ne xhepat urbane qe krijohen. Godina lidhet me ane te itinerareve dhe shesheve me cirkun e vjeter te kthyer ne nje auditor te hapur te gjelberuar.

Koncepti i rigjenerimit te kesaj hapesire nderlidh ne menyre harmonike dhe te pandashme hapesirat urbane me funksionet sociale te Qendres Kulturore.

Warehouse and showroom

This building takes an L shape and sits in the middle of the allocated site, opening up to the main road. The structure houses a warehouse and an incorporated showroom on one of the wings. The interior is kept clear for broad visibility which helps both functions. Entrances are positioned on both functions of the building, thus allowing the showroom and the warehouse to function separately as well.
The exterior of the build is low on decorations. The entire building is enveloped with a metallic grey sandwich panel. There are windows around the façade that allow light to penetrate the interior. The outdoors are clear of ornaments and are left plain in order for trucks and other vehicles to park easily.



This is an interior design project regarding an apartment in one of the most popular neighbourhoods in Tirana, Komuna e Parisit. This is a dense area and as such apartments are usually small and crowded. The main challenge with this project was to accommodate all the necessary requirement for a family of 4. As a result the apartments is divided into 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a laundry room and a communal space including a living area, kitchen and dining area.
The master bedroom has a walk in wardrobe as well as an en-suite toilet. The two smaller bedrooms which are designed for the children have a furniture division between them which has openings in it as well. The apartment also has a balcony.


Ky projekt eshte nje apartmanet qe gjendet ne nje nga lagjet me te dendura ne Tirane, ne Komunen e Parisit. Si rrejdhoje apartmaneti eshte i vogel dhe sfida me e madhe ka qene qe te akomodohen te gjitha funksionet per nje familje me 4 vete. Apartamenti eshte i ndare ne 3 dhoma gjumi, 2 tualete, 1 lavanderi dhe nje ambient i perbashket ndenjeje, kuzhine dhe ngrenie.
Dhoma matrimoniale ka nje garderobe dhe nje tualet. Dhomat me te vogla te femijeve jane te ndara me nje mobilje qe ka hapesira midis saj qe lejon nderveprimet ne te dy ambientet. Apartamenti eshte pajisur gjithashtu me nje ballkon.

Large Family Apartment

EN:This is a large 4 bedroom apartment in an apartment block in Albania. The bedrooms and service areas such as toilets and laundry room are positioned on the right hand side of the floor plan while the sitting area and the kitchen are positioned on the left hand side. There is a central corridor which provides access to the entrances of all rooms. The apartment has 1 master bedroom, 1 double bedroom, 1 twin bedroom and 1 single bedroom. It is also equipped with 2 toilets, a small laundry space, 3 balconies and a living and kitchen area.

The apartment is designed as a whole keeping wood and green as the main feature. Most of the walls are clean and white. The floors are covered in hard wood parquet as well.

AL:Ky projekt perfshin ndarjen e ambienteve dhe dizajnin e interierit te nje apartamenti te madh ne nje pallat ne Tirane. Apartamenti eshte i ndare ne dy pjese ku ne te majte ndodhet zona e nates dhe ne te djathte ajo e dites. Lidhja midis 2 ambienteve behet nepermjet nje korridori qendror. Apartamenti ka 1 dhome matrimoniale me tualet te brendshem, 1 dhome dopjo, 1 dhome me 2 krevate tek dhe 1 dhome teke. Gjithashtu eshte i pajisur me depo dhe lavanteri, 1 tualet te perbashket, 3 ballkone dhe ambient ndenje dhe kuzhine gatimi.

Materialiteti eshte mbajtur i njejte ne te gjithe hapsirat. Mbizoteron druri dhe MDF ngjyre jeshile. Muret jane mbajtur te paster dhe te bardhe ndersa dyshemeja eshte e shtruar me parket druri gjithashtu.

Luri’s Apartment

This is a small apartment consisting of 2 bedrooms, 2 balconies, 1 bathroom and one open space living and cooking area. All rooms are connected through a small corridor. The kitchen space is separated from the entrance through a glass panel. The apartments has adopted a Scandinavian style full of light and brightness.
The materials used inside have light colours and provide a strong contrast with the window frames and kitchen cabinets which are black. The floors are covered in wood while most of the storage is designed as white cabinets. The windows are floor to ceiling and provide plenty of natural light throughout the entire apartment.

Urban Home A

This urban home is located on a main street in the capital, Tirana. The new building sits perfectly within the existing environment thanks to its pitched roof and brick façade. The facade is flushed with the street and the entrance is easily accessible. The façade itself gives a splash of colour and warmth to the area due to its brick game. The tilted bricks allow light and natural ventilation to penetrate through creating in turn a layer of privacy for the family living inside.
The interior is fully completed with everything necessary for a couple. The small space is divided into an open concept living room and kitchen, a four piece toilet and a bedroom fitted with a wardrobe and double bed. The brick façade creates a filter between the main street and the entrance to the house.

Gym & SPA center

The design of a SPA is an interesting and complex process. This process becomes harder when the design also includes a gym, a pool and a manicure and pedicure centre like in this case. The spaces have been laid out keeping in mind all the necessary functions and the way light enters the building in the 2 levels of the underground SPA.
Circulation has been determined by filters which are very important in this SPA. In addition, all proposed materials display warm and natural colours in order to create a cosy atmosphere. An important feature of the design is the double height atrium perforating both floors. This atrium serves as a light well and internal pocket garden for the SPA.

Projektimi i nje qendre SPA eshte nje proces interesant i cili perfshin nje sere faktoresh. Ky proces behet dhe me kompleks kur ne qendren SPA perfshihen gjithashtu funksione te tjera si palester, pishine dhe qender estetike si ne kete rast. Hapesirat jane ndare duke pasur parasysh funksionet dhe hyrjen e drites ne dy katet e percaktuara per SPA Llagamin.
Qarkullimi dhe filtrat e krijuar ne aksesin e cdo funksioni jane nje pjese mjaft e rendesishme e ketij projekti. Ne vazhdim materialet e propozuara i japin ngrohtesi hapesires dhe rikthjene ndjesine e natyres ne dy katet perdhe e perdorura per SPA. Nje carje e krijuar ne te dy katet funksionon si nje oborr i brendshem dhe nje pus drite per kete qender dhe i jep jete dhe ajer.