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H.V Apartment


The apartment is part of a villa type building and is positioned on the last two floors. To suit the needs of the client this apartment is organized as a 3 + 1 loft where :on the first floor in the living area is positioned the living room, cooking space and a ceremonial dining space. In the night area are located two bedrooms. One of them has a toilet and wardrobe. On the terrace of the building is positioned a nucleus that contains the bedroom with toilet and a veranda type living room. Both floors are connected by a staircase, which serves as the compositional center of the interior of the apartment. It is also a source of natural light coming from the open ceiling covered with glass windows.
The materialization of the interior is a harmonious combination of wood (which is used in the furniture and flooring) as well as black marble mainly in the living and cooking area. The bedrooms are also treated with wooden furniture but with more neutral and calm colors.


Apartamenti është pjesë e një objekti tip vile dhe është i pozicionuar në dy katet e fundit të saj. Për t’ju përshtatur nevojave të klientit, ky apartament është organizuar si një loft 3+1 ku në katin e parë në zonën e ditës pozicionohet ndejtja, dhoma e gatimit dhe një ngrënie ceremoniale. Në zonën e natës, janë pozicionuar dy dhomat e gjumit ku njëra prej tyre ka tualet dhe garderobë. Në taracën e objektit është pozicionuar dhe një nukël që përmban dhomën e gjumit me tualet dhe një ndejtje tip verandë. Të dy katet lidhen me një shkallë, e cila është trajtuar si qendra kompozicianale e brendisë së apratamentit. Ajo është trajtuar dhe si një burim i dritës natyrale që vjen nga tavani i hapur i mbuluar me vetratë xhami.
Materializimi i brendisë është një kombinim i harmonizuar i drurit në dukje i cili është përdorur në mobilim dhe shtrim me parket si dhe mermeri i zi kryesisht në zonën e ndejtjes dhe gatimit . Dhomat e gjumit janë trajtuar gjithashtu me mobiljet e drurit, por me ngjyra më neutrale dhe të qeta.

Apartment H


Apartment H is a comfortable and spacious living space for two people in the capital of Albania, Tirana. The apartment is conceived as an open space, with living, cooking, wardrobe and sleeping spaces half-open to each other, with the possibility of closure thanks to the movable panels.
Only the perimeter of the apartment stays fixed, while its interior is built as furniture with openings and closings, allowing clean, uniform and minimal wall pages. Almost all surfaces have light and calm colors, while the black ceiling contrasts the rest of the interior, increasing the framing of spacious spaces and making them warmer and more intimate.
The itineraries of movement inside the apartment are numerous. Viewing angles are rich. The presence of quality and time-resistant materials, together with the light aesthetics and the organized emptiness, make the environment not only cozy, but also luxurious in the sense of the enjoyment of the space.



Apartamenti H është një hapësire komode dhe e bollshme për jetesën e dy personave në kryeqytet. Apartamenti është konceptuar si open space, me hapësirat e qëndrimit, gatimit, garderobës dhe gjumit gjysmë të hapura me njëra-tjetren, me mundësine e mbylljes falë paneleve të levizshme.
Vetëm perimetri i apartamentit qëndron fiks, ndërsa brendesia e tij është konceptuar dhe realizuar si mobilje me hapje dhe mbyllje, duke lejuar faqe muri të pastra, uniforme dhe minimale. Nëse thuajse të gjitha sipërfaqet janë me ngjyra të hapura dhe të qeta, tavani kontraston pjesën tjetër të interierit, duke kornizuar hapësirat e bollshme dhe duke i berë më të ngrohta dhe intime.
Itineraret e levizjes brenda apartamentit janë të shumta. Këndet e shikimit janë të pasura dhe të shumëllojshme. Prania e materialeve cilësore dhe rezistente në kohë, së bashku me estetikën e lehtë dhe boshin e organizuar, e bejnë ambjentin jo vetëm komod, por edhe luksoz në sensin e shijimit të hapësirës.



Papa’s is a bakery chain in Tirana, Albania. This one in particular is located in a very busy street of the capital, right in front of the pedestrian and vehicular road. The interior of the bakery has been designed keeping in mind industrial features and elements such as low handing metallic lights, concrete ceilings, exposed concrete columns and other metallic elements in teal copper color.
The whole interior is spacious and full of light. The façade features a lot of glazing in order to attract customers and provide an enjoyable space where to have food alone or with friends! A specific outdoors space is also dedicated to customers wanting to eat in the open air.

Papa’s eshte nje pasticeri dhe furre buke ne Tirane, Shqiperi. Ky objekt ne vecanti eshte i pozicionuar ne nje rruge kryesore me shume qarkullim. Interieri i kesaj furre dhe pasticerie eshte dizenjuar sipas parimeve te stilit industrial, ne te cilin jane perdorur ndricuesa te varur metalik, beton ne dukje, mikrocement dhe elemente ne ngjyre jeshile bakri.
Brendesia e ambientit eshte shume e ndricuar nga vetrata kryesore dhe dritare ne tavan. Fasada ka nje siperfaqe te madhe xhami qe terheq klientet ne saje te produkteve te ekspozuara. Gjithashtu, eshte dizenjuar dhe nje hapesire e jashtme me tavolina dhe karrige per klientet qe preferojne te ulen jashte.



The apartment is designed to best suit the wishes and needs of its residents. The space is organized as a 3 + 1, where each of the bedrooms has its own toilet. There is also a laundry room which has a separate access from the main entrance of the apartment.
The use of materials such as terrazzo and wood, repeatedly, sometimes as flooring and sometimes as wall covering, gives a special character to the house and makes a visual connection between different parts.
A big importance is given to natural lighting, as all rooms have large windows as high as the entire floor, providing ample lighting.


Apartamenti është konceptuar t’i përshtatet sa më mirë dëshirave dhe nevojave të përdoruesve të tij. Hapësira është organizuar si një 3+1, ku secila nga dhomat e gjumit ka tualetin e veçantë. Po ashtu është dhe një lavanderi e cila ka hyrje të veçantë nga hyrja kryesore e apartamentit.
Përdorimi i materialeve si terrazzo dhe dru, në meënyrë të përsëritur, herë shtrim dhe herë veshje, i jep një karakter të veçantë shtëpisë dhe bën një lidhje vizuale ndërmjet ambienteve të ndryshme.
Rëndesi e madhe i është dhënë dhe ndriçimit natyral, pasi të gjitha ambientet kanë vetrata të mëdha me lartësi sa i gjithë kati, duke siguruar ndriçim të bollshëm.



This project is an apartment interior in the New Bazaar. The apartment is intended for Tirana’s visitors who will be renting it via airbnb.
The house consists of a cosy bedroom, a utilitarian bathroom, a small kitchen with open shelving to keep things on display, a living room that can also be turned into a bedroom and a big balcony with a great view from the Bazaar.
The house’s interior focuses in the fulfillment of the inhabitant’s needs and comfort. Many of the textures attached to certain surfaces are referenced in Albania’s ethnic symbology. The chosen colors and materials are intended to create a warm environment as well as turn the stay in an authentic experience.



Ky apartament është një projekt interieri në zonën e Pazarit të Ri. Apartamenti është projektuar për vizitorë që do e prenotojnë nëpërmjet airbnb.
Projekti përfshin një dhomë të rehatshme, një tualet utilitar, një kuzhinë të vogël dhe me rafte të hapura për t’i mbajtur objektet në dukje, një hapësirë ndenje që mund të shfrytëzohet edhe si zonë nate dhe një ballkon të madh me pamje nga Pazari.
Projekti synon të krijojë një ambient të rehatshëm dhe funksional për përdoruesit. Disa nga teksturat e përdorura në objekte ose mobilje referohen në simbole etnike . Ngjyrat dhe materialet e zgjedhura përpiqen të krijojnë një atmosferë të ngohtë dhe mikpritëse për ta kthyer qëndrimiin në përvojë autentike.

Interior for beach villa

EN_This project is a beach house at Gjiri i Lalëzit, designed for a family of 5. In terms of functional distribution, the ground floor hosts common activities (such as a living room organized near a fireplace, and a dinning space, both opened towards the sea view), utilitarian spaces ( kitchen and laundry room) as well as an extra room and a toilet. On the first floor, there are two master bedrooms on the west side, favored by the beach view; as well as the children’s bedroom on the east side. The hall between the bedrooms is a flexible space, which will be organized by the inhabitants to fit their needs or to adapt to different activities.


AL_Ky projekt interieri është një shtëpi plazhi dy katëshe në Gjirin e Lalëzit. Është projektuar për një familje me 5 pjestarë. Nga ana funksionale, në katin përdhe janë vendosur hapësirat e përbashkëta (hapësira e ndenjes e cila organizohet pranë oxhakut, si dhe ajo e ngrënies, të hapura ndaj pamjes nga deti), hapësirat utilitare (gatimi & lavanderia) si dhe një dhomë gjumi dhe tualet ekstra. Në katin e parë, janë vendosur 2 dhoma matrimoniale në pjesën perëndimore duke favorizuar pamjen e hapur nga deti; si dhe dhoma e fëmijëve në lindje. Hapësira mes dhomave është lënë e hapur për të qenë fleksibël në varësi të aktiviteteve që do duan të zhvillojnë banorët.



Working on an interior design is playful and colourful. The same process applies in this apartment. The main feature of this design is the TV stand that also serves as a division between the living area and the corridor. The apartment has 3 bedrooms which are positioned on the south side, 2 toilets, 1 laundry room and a big balcony.
There is an open space living, cooking and dining area. The main natural light comes from the floor to ceiling windows positions on the south and eastern side of the apartment. The colours of the furnishing complement the bright atmosphere. The rooms have ample space to move about and circulation is easy throughout the apartment.

Dizajni i nje interieri eshte nje process i kendshem plot ngjyra, si ne kete apartament. Elementi me I rendesishem i ketij apartamenti eshte mobilja e televizorit e cila sherben dhe si ndarese midis pjeses se dhomes se ndenjes dhe korridorit. Apartamenti ka 3 dhoma te pozicionuara ne jug, 2 tualete, 1 lavanderi dhe nje ballkon te madh.
Kuzhina e gatimit, ambienti i ndenjes dhe i ngrenies jane kombinuar ne nje hapesire te perbashket. Drita natyrore hyn ne apartament nepermjet pjeses jugore dhe lindore nga dritaret me gjatesi dysheme tavan. Ngjyrat e interierit jane te hapura dhe te qeta. Dhomat kane hapesire te mjaftueshme per te qarkulluar dhe levizja ne apartament eshte e lirshme.



This is a traditional looking summer home with a splash of contemporary design. The request from the client was to have a cosy summer house to fit in the stone surrounding context of the old village of Piqeras in southern Albania. This was achieved by creating a traditional looking house cladded in natural stone. The ground floor of the house has a concrete block going through it which reminds viewers that this is a new home none the less. The top floor continues in stone and ends in a pitched roof.

The interior is divided into 2 floors with a connecting staircase in the middle. The ground floor has 3 bedrooms and a communal space which will usually function as an AIRBNB. This is why all bedrooms are en-suite. The upper floor is organised like a family apartment with a small balcony. The house also makes use of the surrounding garden enclosed by a stone wall. A narrow swimming pool is placed on one of the sides.


Kjo është një shtëpi verore në dukje tradicionale, por me një element të fortë bashkëkohor. Kërkesa nga klienti ishte për te krijuar një shtëpi sa më të rehatshme që të përshtatej me ndërtesat e tjera në fshatin Piqeras, në jug të Shqiperisë. Kjo u arrit duke krijuar një shtëpi tradicionale të veshur me gur, por me një element gjeometrik betoni që i ndërthuret katit përdhe. Kati i sipërm vazhdon me veshje guri dhe mbyllet me një çati me 4 pjerrësi.

Interieri është i ndarë në 2 kate ku kati përdhe është menduar të jepet me qera javore në sezonet e pushimeve dhe është i ndarë në 3 dhoma me tualete të brendshme dhe një hapësire të përbashkët. Kati i sipërm është i organizuar si një apartmanet i vogël për 1 familje. Dy katet lidhen me anë të një shkalle qëndrore. Vila ka gjithashtu hapësira të jashtme të rrethuara me mur guri, që janë trajtuar si oborr. Në një pjesë të këtyre hapësirave është pozicionuar dhe një pishinë.

le Noir

The building is located at the intersection of ‘Rruga e Kavajës’ & ‘Rruga e Bogdanëve’. It is an existing, two-storey building, which currently has mixed functions. The complete project envisages a restaurant on the ground floor and a hotel upstairs.
The entrance to the restaurant is in the south-west corner of the building. The basic materials used are brick and wood to create a warm environment. The project takes advantage of the fact that the openings on the ground floor are large and have a relationship with the outdoors. Most tables are placed next to windows, but there are also more private spaces with various atmospheres.
Objekti ndodhet në kryqëzimin mes Rrugës së Kavajës & Rrugës së Bogdanëve. Është një ndërtesë ekzistuese, dy katëshe, e cila për momentin ka funksione mikse. Projekti i plotë parashikon një restorant në katin përdhe dhe hoteleri në katin sipër.
Hyrja e restorantit është në këndin jug-perëndimor të objektit. Materialet bazë të përdorura janë tulla e druri për të krijuar një ambient sa më të ngrohtë. Është shfrytëzuar fakti që në katin përdhe hapjet janë të mëdha dhe kanë marrëdhënie me hapësirën e jashtme. Shumica e tavolinave janë vendosur pranë vetratave, por ka edhe hapësira më private me atmosfera të ndryshme.




Villa 31 is an unassuming, if somewhat large modern residence built in the late seventies with an ample garden in a quiet but dense residential district in Tirana. The interiors of the house are well equipped and extensively furnished. The interior is filled with hand-crafted built-in clos­ets, imported Austrian furniture, Italian designed bathrooms and kitchens, an elevator, a decora­tive spiral staircase, a small swimming pool, and large picture windows throughout. Villa 31 was also provided with ac­cess to hardened underground bunkers from the basement.

Construction documents prepared by the architects for this new resi­dence drawn up in the early sev­enties refer to the original project with the single alphabetical letter “x.” This structure was specifi­cally designed for Enver Hoxha and his family. “x” also represents the mark of censorship, a fitting symbol for what would be­come Hoxha’s difficult historical legacy: Hoxha’s sweeping political and ideological reforms were largely responsible for pushing the nation into deep economic and cultural isolation. Hoxha’s private family home reflected his public char­ismatic posing a difficult challenge for those concerned with opening the dictator’s residen­tial quarters to the public today. How—after de­cades during which Villa 31 has been closed to the public—does one interpret and put on dis­play the intimate interiors deeply imprinted by Hoxha’s domestic body politic?

Left as is, or with little modification, Hoxha’s house would certainly risk becom­ing a sort of latter day mausoleum to the man and his dictatorship. Nor would the sensitive preservation of the house in the name of Hoxha’s victims contribute much to the edu­cation of today’s Albanians and their children. After all, there are many sites across the nation where curi­ous nationals, foreign tourists and concerned educators can see first-hand the traumatic environments where generations of Albanians were locked up, tortured and dispensed in whatever manner Hox­ha, as supreme leader, saw fit. There is also the great risk the house would appear as if its origi­nal inhabitant lived inured to the outside world in an island of tranquility, untouched by world around him.

Ai Weiwei, the Chinese artist who is no stranger to his own government’s repressive politics, chal­lenges through his art the highly undemocratic practices of a state with little concern for hu­man rights. Ai Weiwei’s frequent confrontations with Chinese authority has led the artist to find alternative forms of protest through the use of veiled metaphors, expressing political dissent through physical action, critically reevaluating historical artifacts, and questioning the re­ception of contemporary material culture in Chinese society. “Artists are not in a position to decide the conditions imposed upon them,” noted Ai Weiwei, “…but they can make statements about those con­ditions.” Ai Weiwei understands clearly the necessity to confront the demons of the past and pres­ent by working on the metamorphosis of objects and their potential for political reification.

Earlier examples of works by artist activists like Hans Haacke’s “Germania,” made specifically in consideration of the German Pavilion at the 1993 Art Biennale in Venice have set strong prece­dents for physically intervening on architecture where historical events have left troubling traces of the past. Haacke’s calculated destruction of the Nazi led renovation of the pavilion, by tak­ing a jackhammer to the floor and leaving bro­ken stones paving blocks scattered across the floor in chaotic disarray, revealed longstanding layers of buried and ignored history.

Villa 31 has been a residential mi­crocosm frozen in time. Inaccessible then, and still inaccessible now, the house and its troubled history should find renewed purpose, by confront­ing past and present, former regime and nascent democracy. Hoxha’s house cannot be simply preserved, opened and displayed without ac­tively engaging each and every room, one by one. From the gardens to the bunkers, from the living rooms to the swimming pool, the house’s many spaces should be documented, questioned and debat­ed. Citizens and visitors alike should have the chance to be part of and witness to how symbols of power can be engaged, challenged, and re-imagined.

A forbidden zone and a villa for Mr. X

Brasini set a strict South-North axis, which seem to put forth the difference between the eastern part of the city, where the location is spontane­ous and more folk like, to the other part of the city in its South-West side. The influence that Ital­ian architecture had on the Albanian landscape will be enhanced in the period between the two world wars, especially with the projects realized by G. Bossios. The rational application of Italian architecture, with perpendicular axes and well defined plots, was easy accommodate in the ur­ban plan of Tirana in this part of the city. The values of this zone are formed through the needs for housing for the members of Italian military as well as civil servants.

During the dictatorship, this area was inhabited by the elite political leading class as well as their fami­lies. For the above reason it was called “ Bllok” (The Block). Resi­dential villas are characteristic to this part of town that was inhabited by political leader, such as the late dictator Enver Hoxha.

Due to the importance of its inhab­itants the block of villas was iso­lated from the rest of the city, where simple peo­ple leaved and the isolation can be seen in the physical distance as well as in the economical one. In the heart of The Block, there is Villa 31, the house of Mr.X. The axes to the Block area was restricted in three different levels of acces­sibility.

Several pathways were not open to the general public. Common people could get in and out of the restricted zone with an invitation from some­one living in The Block, while would be all the time under constant surveillance and would have to hand in their ID as well. These itineraries are divided in two accessibility levels. The one that used the family members of the political bureau and the other one was utilized only by the politi­cal leader. In Mr.X villa’s Enver Hoxha would use the front entrance while his family would use the other entrance, because the street in front of the villa was reserved only for the political leaders.

The villa in itself is divided in the three different stages. The first stage is the Eastern part and was built before World War II and it is not included in this study. The vil­la belonged to an Italian engineer, Berlotti and it is one of the few villas that has preserved the architecton­ic elements. It is a three store villa with basement as well. The entrance to the villa is preceded by a white marble staircase a white marble staircase and a portico that serves as a porch. The portico is formed by columns, formed with stone tiles, that go up until the roof. In the 1970s was build the new villa with a roof. Enver Hoxha decide to have his family in the villa as well. Thus, the villa was expanded with various apartments dedicat­ed to its family and children, that is why the villa has multiple bedrooms or kitchens.

The Villa as an open project

Our proposal is to transform Villa 31 during one year. The time that is necessary to physically transform the Villa will coincide with the time of the symbolical transforma­tion. At the end of this process the Villa will not be the same as before.

The program of the cultural activities consist of the trans­formations that will allow Villa 31 to become a public space for Tirana.

The intentions of this project is to test the possibilities of such a new and extraordinary cultural device, despite the difficulty in giving to the house of the ex-dictator an exact function and definition. For those reasons we did not want to set boundaries for the possible activities that the Villa could host. That is why Villa 31 will be a project rather than an institution.

Villa 31 will be a place where different humanistic disci­plines can find expression: literature, philosophy, history, religion, philology, visual arts and performative arts.

All those cultural activities that have been censored dur­ing the dictatorship will become the engine of the physi­cal transformation. Those transformations will represent an occasion for art expression. The sum of events will slowly lead to a new condition of the building.

The first action consist of showing to the Albanians the interior and its mystery. Nowadays Villa 31 is an inacces­sible place, with no links to the city of Tirana and its citi­zens. The idea is to organize a big opening where artists are invited to celebrate this first collective occurrence.

The artists are invited to realize some interventions that will represent on one way the solutions for the house ac­cessibility, on the another way the aim of this event to be visible.

– a “derive urbaine” that will lead the citizens trough the streets of the district in the garden that hosts Villa 31;

– a ramp that will allow the accessibility to the house;

– a neon sign;

– an opening party;

OnceVilla31isdefinitelyopenandaccessible, it is neces­sary to activate functions that are capable to constantly attract the citizens inside the Villa. The idea is to trans­form all those activities that represented the private do­main of the dictator into public activities.

It will be possible to understand the private universe of the dictator by analyzing the program of the Villa. This universe will become a diversified system of activities for the citizens.

– a pool;

– a club;

– a cinema;

– a public library;

– an exhibition hall;

After this “wake-up moment” it will be possible to start a process of memories reactivation. Exhibitions and con­ferences on history of communism, about the dictator’s life and about the history of Villa 31 will be held.

– communism symposium;

– dictator’s life exhibition;

– Villa 31 exhibition;

– The dictatorial regime style in furniture and design;

The last phase of the project consist of the realization of those services that allows the permanent transformation of the Villa into a suitable space for art.

– coffee shop;

– bookshop;

Finally the garden will become part of the city to close the transformation process. The hypothesis is to open the garden permanently and to transform it into an equipped public space.

– fences transformation;

Additionally, our proposal consist of a small housing unit located in the garden, that can allow the artist to spend a period of time in the Villa. Through this intervention we transmit the idea of showing constantly what is happen­ing inside the Villa by showing the life of who is working there: the artist.

– artist’s housing unit;


Before and After

The project in 10 points

  1. Villa 31 opens its doors. It opens immediately. It is time to let its interiors become public, it is time to reveal its mystery.
  2. The first event that will be organized in Villa 31 is the opening itself. It will be a public event which will envolve the entire district as first manifestation of this “new presence” in the town.
  3. Every change or transformation realized in Villa 31 will be an art intervention. Those interventions are tem­porary or permanent: exhibitions, installations, book­shops, coffeeshops, performances and concerts.
  4. The program of the transformations Villa 31 will co­incide with the artistic activities.All the funds that are dedicated to cultural activities are the engine of the physical transformations of Villa 31 themselves.
  5. Villa 31 will not become a gallery, neither a museum or a foundation. It will not become a residence for art­ists, a cultural center or an history archive. Villa 31 will transform into a public space for Tirana.
  6. Villa 31 will become accessible, an open and demo­cratic space.New ramps will connect the levels, the ele­vators will follow legal standards to guarantee the mo­bility throughout the entire building. Some of the walls will be demolished to erase separations.
  7. Villa 31 will be preserved. Its presence and its mean­ing will not be erased. The spaces, the rooms, the furni­ture, the materials and colors will be the fundamental elements of the new reflexion.
  8. There will be a clandestine club in the ex-cinema at the underground level. Aquagym classes in the pool, chamber music in the dictator’s sleeping room, an el­egant bar in one of the living rooms.
  9. Every private space of the dictator’s house will be transformed by an artist into a public space for the visi­tors. Every transformation will be a public event.
  10. The garden of Villa 31 will become another place for activities. There will be events organized all summer long: concerts, picnics and installations. A small housing unit, a capsule, will be built to host the artists that are invited. Nobody will live in the dictator’s house. Villa 31 will never be a house anymore.

The Villa: structural features and new accessibilities

The Villa 31 consists of two building units that are built in two different time periods. The first part was built in the 1930s and the second part during 1970s, which later on during 1974 it was extended to fit the family of the late dictator. The villa is well maintained and the construction with all the elements is maintained. It can be clearly that the villa represents a building in a good condition.

The construction of the villa is mostly based on col­umns, bearing walls are placed were statically needed like stair halls etc. In this way the building has large openings, which were appropriate for modern archi­tecture at that time. Some traditional architectural ele­ments and local materials complete the concept of this part of the building.

Our team’s research of the building is based on an on-location visit as well as using existing plans and other data and a lot of other information, which were pro­vided by the local team. Reinforced concrete is the basic material of which the main construction of the building consists. In the basement the weight bearing walls are numerous and strongly visible, which explains the small openings and thickness of the walls. There were gath­ered a lot of material from different sights before plan­ning and proposing the intervention in the villa. From the on-location visit there were a lot to be learned, especially since the villa was “taboo” for the eye of the common people for a very long time.

Various approaches were considered, in order to pre­serve the heritage and the collective memory that this villa represents. The basement of the villa will not ex­perience any drastic remodeling. After consulting our construction engineers and experts for reinforcement systems we decided to not touch anything in the base­ment because it is clear that these walls are weight bearing walls. The different functions of the rooms will be chosen and decided between the spaces that al­ready exist. Hence the basement needs a renovation touch. From the investigation of the basement and how better to intervene, it is proposed the renovation of the floor and the renovation of the interior.

The ground floor of the villa is very different from the basement in how it is constructed. In the first floor there are no weight bearing walls. The weights is distributed though the columns. Thus the space is clear and open to make interventions.

The first and the second floor, which are the extended part of the villa, are much like the ground floor. The con­struction is the same, with large open space, and it is reinforced with concrete columns. The changes that are proposed in this floors are minimal. For instance, to de­molish separating walls in order to create a space that can be tailored according to the event. The changes in this space can be part of an event, rather than be the common working site where no one is present. Chang­ing the villa of the late dictator is more than a dull or routine implementation of an architecture project. The public will be as much involved in this change, for the symbolic value that this villa has.



Team Composition

Peter T. Lang

2A+P/A Associates
Gianfranco Bombaci
Matteo Costanzo
Alessandro Acciarino
Gaia Ascone
Eleonora Ghezzi
Silvia Sanchietti
Teresa Scheibova’
Nicola Secchi

Markus Neuber
Paul Rapp
Katharina Riedl
Valentina Damian
Klaus Köstler
Peter Naumburg
Petrit Pasha
Stefano Baldon
Stefania Di Pisa

Gjergji Dushniku
Lorin Cekrezi
Klaudjo Cari
Rezart Struga
Gledis Misja
Gerti Struga