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Made in Albania

The idea of the project is to use the League of writers as a center for the promotion of the Albanian and Mediterranean wine & food culture inside the city of Tirana. The aim is to realize a structure capable to be an international point of reference about feeding culture, agriculture and sustainable development.

What happens inside the League?

The building will host different functions inside, some of these will be temporary,

others permanent:

– A bookshop on wine and food culture, both Albanian and Mediterranean, selling of professional and traditional tools for cooking, selling of biological and local products;

– A multifunctional hall capable to host meetings and debates about food and wine culture, about food production and sustainable agriculture;

– A school oriented on traditional food and cooking, with classrooms equipped to host courses and workshops;

– A cafè, which can work as a meeting space independent from the opening hours of the other activities;

– An administrative area to manage and organize all the different activities.

How it relates to the city of Tirana?

The new “Hub” is a public building that will offer services to the city. It will be accessible and open for daily activities, weekly meetings, or monthly events. Thanks to the presence of the courtyard, cafe on the ground floor, in the space of the portico, will also be a place of exchange and a daily meeting point. The new “Hub” will be for the city of Tirana a benchmark for the gastronomic culture, to promote it and for its spread.

Who use this building?

This space is open to all the citizens of Tirana interested to learn and develop a culture related to the world of taste and flavor. The Hub is open to professionals in this field who wants to participate to an extended net related to the excellence of food tradition in Albania and in the Mediterranean countries; to tourists who are curious to know and taste the local food culture and its specialties; to producers who want to spread their products and show their specific qualities; to people who want to learn cooking following local traditions or experimenting other kind of cuisine; to chefs who want to share their experiences and knowledge.


Prof. Arch. Peter T. Lang, Curator

2A+P/A Associates

Gianfranco Bombaci

Matteo Costanzo

Consuelo Nunez Ciuffa

Alessandro Acciarino

Gaia Ascone

Eleonora Ghezzi

Silvia Sanchietti

Teresa Scheibova’

Nicola Secchi


Markus Neuber

Paul Rapp

Katharina Riedl

Valentina Damian

Klaus Köstler

Peter Naumburg

Petrit Pasha

Stefano Baldon

Stefania Di Pisa


Gjergji Dushniku

Lorin Cekrezi

Klaudjo Cari

Rezart Struga

Gledis Misja

Gerti Struga

Municipality Public Meeting Room


This project in an office and query area for the municipality of Tirana. The materials used in the interior are rough and natural such as brick and steel. Wall paint is only used on the ceiling and one of the walls. The floor is finished in washed concrete while the walls add s splash on natural colour through the ceramic bricks.
The floor plan layout shows a division between the staff and public areas. The division is made through steel columns in the middle of the space. In terms of furnishing everything has a soft colour in order to create a relaxing setting for the people using the area.

Ambienti ne shqyrtim ka funksion administrativ ne te cilen eshte pozicionuar zyra e pritjeve e publikut per bashkine e Tiranes. Ne kete interior jane perdorur material te ashpra dhe te ekspozuara duke minimizuar perdorimin e bojes vetem ne pjesen e tavanit dhe murit perendimor. Ne dysheme eshte perdorur mikrocemento me ngjyre gri. Ne mure eshte perdorur tulle qeramike dekorative dhe gips dhe boje vetem ne pjesen perendimore.
Per te ber nje ndarje midis hapesires se stafit dhe te publikut jane perdorur elemente metalike te zeza vertikale dhe horizontale ne pjesen e tavanit. Mobilimi eshte mbajtur me ngjyra te qeta qe i japin fokus pjeses se arkitektures dhe krijojne nje ambient relaksues pritjeje per publikun.



This is a small interior design project concerning the meeting room of the Czech Embassy in Tirana, Albania. The original room is located within the embassy building. The room is old and the materials have been ruined from usage over time. The space however has an abundance of natural light that complements the new materials used inside.
The existing hard wood floor has been replaced with a new type of wood that has a lighter colour and a healthier feel to it. The walls are all painted in clean white except the one in front of the meeting table which is cladded in red marble. The ceiling is also void of any decorations and has been left white with a central suspended lighting feature. The main element in the room which is the meeting table itself, is also a pristine white marble panel.

Ky eshte nje projekt i vogel interieri qe ka te bej me sallen e mbledhjeve per Ambasaden Ceke ne Tirane. Dhoma ekzistuese e mbledhjeve eshte nje hapesire e madhe dhe e vjeter ku materialet jane degraduar nga koha. Megjithate hapesira ka nje atmosphere te mire qe krijohet nga drita natura e cila nxjerr me ne pah materialet e reja te perdorura ne kete salle.
Dyshemeja ekzistuese e parketit eshte zevendesuar me nje dru te ri, ngjyre me te hapur dhe me nje dizajn me te sofistikuar. Muret jane lyer ngjyre te bardhe te paster, pervec njerit qe eshte i veshur me mermer te kuq. Tavani eshte lene pa dekore por thjeshte me nje element ndricimi te varur. Elementi kryesor i dhomes eshte tavolina e madhe e ndertuar me nje panel mermeri te bardhe.



This is an interior design project for a coffee shop. The place is compact with a regular rectangular floor plan and the entrance on one of the small sides. The counter and the toilet are positioned in the back of the area while the sitting area is positioned in the front next to the glass façade. This space is only lit by the one main façade facing the main road.
The interior adopts an industrial look with black steel. The main feature of this shop is the ceiling with its suspended elements. The entire area of the ceiling is covered in suspended translucent jars dropping at different levels from above. This feature continues on the exterior as well.

Ky eshte nje projekt interieri per nje bar-kafe ku mund te porositesh ne dore ose te ulesh. Ambienti eshte i vogel dhe kompakt dhe ka nje planimetri te thjeshte drejtkendore me hyrjen dhe vetraten ne brinjen me te shkurter. Pjesa e banakut dhe e tualetit eshte e pozicionuar ne pjesen me fundore te hapesires ndersa pjesa e uljes eshte e vendosur ne afersi te vetrates. Hapesira ndricohet natyralisht nga kjo vetrate kryesore.
Interieri merr nje karakter industrial ku eshte perdorur shume hekuri i zi. Elementi kryesor ne kete dizajn eshte tavani me elemente te varur. Gjithe siperfaqja e tavanit eshte e veshur me kavanoze te varur ne tuba celiku te holle ne lartesi te ndryshme. Ky element vazhdon si brenda dhe ne hapesiren jashte lokalit.