Harli Coffee
Harli Coffee is a soon to be brand in Albania. The allocated space is divided into an indoor and outdoor area.
Both areas fl ow into each other physically and visually while displaying the same material palette. The outdoor
space is physically separated from the sidewalk through glass panels that also serve as wind shields.
The indoor space is a coffee shop by day and a bar by night. The furnishing has been allocated in a way to
accommodate both functions. The fl oor plan layout creates an interesting route within the indoor space which
reveals private spots and social tables for all groups of clients.
Harli kafe eshte interier i cili eshte ideuar dhe i pershtatur per tu bere nje brand. Ambienti eshte i ndare ne dy
zona, ajo e jashtme dhe e brendshme. Te dyja zonat lidhen me njera tjetren jo vetem fi zikisht me rruge kalimi
por edhe ne saje te materialeve te perdorura. Zona e jashtme eshte e ndare me nje barriere xhami nga trotuari
per ti dhene me shume privatesi klienteve te barit. Zona e brendshme merr funksionin e nje kafeneje gjate dites
dhe nje bari gjate pasdites. Per kete arsye mobiljet jane konceptuar ne menyre te tille qe te krijojne nje ambient
relaksi per pjesen e sherbimit te kafes dhe te ekspozojne gjithashtu produktet baze te barit.
Brendesia e hapesires ofron xhepa intime dhe tavolina sociale per te gjitha grupet shoqerore.