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Gym & SPA center

The design of a SPA is an interesting and complex process. This process becomes harder when the design also includes a gym, a pool and a manicure and pedicure centre like in this case. The spaces have been laid out keeping in mind all the necessary functions and the way light enters the building in the 2 levels of the underground SPA.
Circulation has been determined by filters which are very important in this SPA. In addition, all proposed materials display warm and natural colours in order to create a cosy atmosphere. An important feature of the design is the double height atrium perforating both floors. This atrium serves as a light well and internal pocket garden for the SPA.

Projektimi i nje qendre SPA eshte nje proces interesant i cili perfshin nje sere faktoresh. Ky proces behet dhe me kompleks kur ne qendren SPA perfshihen gjithashtu funksione te tjera si palester, pishine dhe qender estetike si ne kete rast. Hapesirat jane ndare duke pasur parasysh funksionet dhe hyrjen e drites ne dy katet e percaktuara per SPA Llagamin.
Qarkullimi dhe filtrat e krijuar ne aksesin e cdo funksioni jane nje pjese mjaft e rendesishme e ketij projekti. Ne vazhdim materialet e propozuara i japin ngrohtesi hapesires dhe rikthjene ndjesine e natyres ne dy katet perdhe e perdorura per SPA. Nje carje e krijuar ne te dy katet funksionon si nje oborr i brendshem dhe nje pus drite per kete qender dhe i jep jete dhe ajer.

