Working on an interior design is playful and colourful. The same process applies in this apartment. The main feature of this design is the TV stand that also serves as a division between the living area and the corridor. The apartment has 3 bedrooms which are positioned on the south side, 2 toilets, 1 laundry room and a big balcony.
There is an open space living, cooking and dining area. The main natural light comes from the floor to ceiling windows positions on the south and eastern side of the apartment. The colours of the furnishing complement the bright atmosphere. The rooms have ample space to move about and circulation is easy throughout the apartment.
Dizajni i nje interieri eshte nje process i kendshem plot ngjyra, si ne kete apartament. Elementi me I rendesishem i ketij apartamenti eshte mobilja e televizorit e cila sherben dhe si ndarese midis pjeses se dhomes se ndenjes dhe korridorit. Apartamenti ka 3 dhoma te pozicionuara ne jug, 2 tualete, 1 lavanderi dhe nje ballkon te madh.
Kuzhina e gatimit, ambienti i ndenjes dhe i ngrenies jane kombinuar ne nje hapesire te perbashket. Drita natyrore hyn ne apartament nepermjet pjeses jugore dhe lindore nga dritaret me gjatesi dysheme tavan. Ngjyrat e interierit jane te hapura dhe te qeta. Dhomat kane hapesire te mjaftueshme per te qarkulluar dhe levizja ne apartament eshte e lirshme.