This is an interior design project regarding an apartment in one of the most popular neighbourhoods in Tirana, Komuna e Parisit. This is a dense area and as such apartments are usually small and crowded. The main challenge with this project was to accommodate all the necessary requirement for a family of 4. As a result the apartments is divided into 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a laundry room and a communal space including a living area, kitchen and dining area.
The master bedroom has a walk in wardrobe as well as an en-suite toilet. The two smaller bedrooms which are designed for the children have a furniture division between them which has openings in it as well. The apartment also has a balcony.
Ky projekt eshte nje apartmanet qe gjendet ne nje nga lagjet me te dendura ne Tirane, ne Komunen e Parisit. Si rrejdhoje apartmaneti eshte i vogel dhe sfida me e madhe ka qene qe te akomodohen te gjitha funksionet per nje familje me 4 vete. Apartamenti eshte i ndare ne 3 dhoma gjumi, 2 tualete, 1 lavanderi dhe nje ambient i perbashket ndenjeje, kuzhine dhe ngrenie.
Dhoma matrimoniale ka nje garderobe dhe nje tualet. Dhomat me te vogla te femijeve jane te ndara me nje mobilje qe ka hapesira midis saj qe lejon nderveprimet ne te dy ambientet. Apartamenti eshte pajisur gjithashtu me nje ballkon.