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Regarding our point of view the main question to be addressed is the one of connecting the stadium typology with a very unique landscape that consists of a dense green belt and coastal line. The potential lies in opening the stadium towards its surroundings in order to generate more spaces with a higher “public value”. The transition from buildings to landscape plays with the concept of a filter area, in order to help vehicles and pedestrian circulation to both plots, while the sporting events, the ones with an official character linked to the stadium, and the spontaneous events linked with the beach are woven into a strong axis that extends to both extremities, uniting them and at the same time leading the pedestrians into the coastal panorama. At this point the city is not only gaining a contemporary sport facility intended for professional sport events, but also one that has a possibility to intertwine it and extend to a number of opportunities for active leisure, opening this facility towards the sea.
The main services and functions wrap around the northeast and northwest side of the plot helping to enclose the urban fabric by creating an “L” shaped urban wall. The spatial connection of the stadium and it auxiliary facilities with the main sport fields is done by the presence of a strong element such as the roof, creating a more compact visual relationship.


Pyetja baze qe ngrihet mbi projektin eshte ajo e lidhjes se tipologjise se stadiumit me nje peizazh unik, i cili perbehet nga nje brez i dendur gjelberimi dhe vije bregdetare. Si pasoje potenciali i projektit do te qendroje ne aftesine e stadiumit si objekt per te gjeneruar hapesira me nje “vlere publike” te madhe. Midis objektit dhe peizazhit vendoset nje zone filter, ne menyre qe te lehtesohet qarkullimi i mjeteve e kembesoreve ne te dyja parcelat. Kjo zone filter sherben edhe si nje aks i cili lidh hapesirat ku zhvillohen eventet sportive zyrtare me hapesirat ku zhvillohen aktivitete spontane te lidhura me plazhin dhe panoramen bregdetare. Ne kete pike qyteti jo vetem qe fiton nje kompleks sportiv kontemporan te lidhur me aktivitetet sportive profesionale, por edhe nje hapesire qe lidhet dhe ka fleksibilitetin te akomodoje aktivitete te ndryshme rekreative.n
Sherbimet dhe funksionet kryesore mbeshtillen ne zonen veri-lindore dhe veri-perendimoe duke ndihmuar ne mbylljen e pelhures urbane me nje “mur urban ne forme L”. Lidhja hapesinore mes stadiumit dhe njesive ndihmese si dhe fushat sportive realizohet nga prania e nje elementi te forte si “catia”, e cila krojon nje marredhenie vizuale kompakte midis volumeve.




Ulqin, Montenegro




Competitions, Sports