The reconstructed object preserves the boundaries of the existing trace. The volumetric shape remains the same as the existing oneand the building will remain in the socio-economic function. The spaces are mainly functions that interact with sports purposes. The reconstruction consists of changing the perimeter walls, which will be built with thermal bricks. Afterwards, an internal staircase will be built which connects the 1st floor with the 2nd floor, as well as the change of the first floor with a trespassable terrace which will be used for sports purposes. Also, an architectural element with aluminum material will be added to the facade. This element will be distanced from the facade by 50 cm, which serves to shade the interior as well as a decorative element.
Objekti I rikonstruktuar ruan kufinjtë e gjurmës ekzistuese. Forma volumetrike mbetet e njëjta me atë ekzistuese. Godina do te mbetet tek funksioni socio-ekonomik. Hapesirat te cilat do te perdoren ne te jane kryesisht me funksione sportive dhe funksione te cilat nderveprojne me qellimet sportive. Rikonstruksioni konsiston ne ndryshimin e mureve perimetral, I cili do te ndertohet me tulla termike. Me pas do te ndertohet nje shkalle e brendshme e cila lidh katin 1 me katin 2, si dhe do te behet ndryshimi I catise me tarrace te shkelshme e cila do te perdoret per qellime sportive. Gjithashtu fasades do ti shtohet nje element arkitektonik me material alumini. Ky element do te jete I distancuar nga fasada me 50 cm i cili sherben dhe per hijezimin e ambienteve te brendshme por edhe si element dekorativ.